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I Found Freedom

free·dom /ˈfrēdəm/ noun the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. I’ve struggled, I’ve struggled, I’ve struggled with letting others determine how ... READ the POST

Your Journey

While you live out this journey called life, may you be reminded that everyone was born with distintive fingerprints. How you touch the world will have it’s own print. You werent created to have the ... READ the POST

Loosing My Religion

I was listening to Kirk Franklin on my Pandora, and one of his album titles really stood out to me, “Loosing My Religion.” It’s like these words truly hit me tonight... and I knew I needed to blog ... READ the POST

Cling to Inner Peace.

Had a few moments where I thought to myself... ... READ the POST

Do I need God Daily?

I’ve heard my mom, aunt, and grandmother, and many other wise elders say, “Keep God first in all you do.” I even quoted that to myself and others before. But do we truly understand the seriousness of ... READ the POST

Try Again.

Yesterday, I had a conversation with one of my sisters in Christ. I confessed to my sister how guilt was creeping over me about a decision I had made. I used to be the queen of running from God when I ... READ the POST

Today’s Prayer: 6.27.17

Dear God, Thank You for being You. Your merciful and loving self. Today, God I pray for release. I pray for the release of anything in my spirit that is not like You. I pray to let go of yesterday's ... READ the POST

Let Them Walk

I found myself so frustrated, hurt, confused, and upset. In other words, I was in my feelings. I was hurt because I was in the position where I felt talked about, betrayed, and let down. I was upset ... READ the POST