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Bible Reading Plan-The Book of 1 and 2 Corinthians

29 days of the Books of 1 Corinthians and 2 Corinthians from the Bible. Challenge yourself to read the word consistently for 29 days over the course of April.

Though this plan was created for April, you can follow this plan any month for the course of 29 days. Just begin with Day 1 and you are good to go!

The Importance of the Book of 1 CORINTHIANS:

In the midst of sin being all around and society even portraying sin as normal—as believers how do you stand for Christ and righteousness even if it seems as the whole world is doing the opposite? 1 Corinthians depicts the Christian’s in the church of Corinth feeling pressure to adapt to the sin around them.

1Corinthians addresses various topics regarding the corruption of sin and the importance of not being conformed to the corruption of the world but instead, being conformed by Christ’s Holy Spirit.

Author: Paul

The Importance of the book of 2 CORINTHIANS:

Following Jesus and choosing righteousness is a continual journey. Following Christ comes with many challenges and requires perseverance. Though we take on the title as believers, this title doesn’t eliminate us from the struggles of immoral influences around us. Within the book of

2 Corinthians, we learn how the church at Corinth faced immoral challenges while striving to be renewed by the Holy Spirit. Living for Christ is the one walk that is truly worth it all, but it’s not easy.

Author: Paul

Prayer for This Challenge:

Dear Father, I thank You for your word. I pray as I begin this challenge, You would equip me daily with your strength to endure and be consistent. I pray this challenge changes my life greatly. I pray I get to know You on a deeper level than I’ve ever been. I pray I hear from You in a special way that strengthens our bond. I pray I gain a deeper understanding of Your love and the essence of Your goodness. May I fall in love with Your word and absorb Your wisdom. I pray for myself and the people on this challenge with me as we honor You; may we get to know You deeper through this study. Amen.

Reflections Questions to Ask Myself:

  • What did I learn?
  • How does this chapter relate to my life’s circumstances currently?
  • How can I apply this chapter to my life?
  • How does this passage relate to the world today?
  • What key words stood out to me in this chapter?
  • How does this chapter inspire greater gratitude, humility, and/or joy in Christ?
  • How do the truths of this text shape the way I view present circumstances?
  • How do the truths of this text shape the way I view God?
  • How could I explain this chapter to someone in six words or less?
  • How can my attitude/actions improve based on truths I learned today?
  • How can I apply this chapter to my prayers?

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